An open apology to all sims players

For years now I have wondered what the fascination of the sims games was.  I never did see it.  I had friends who indulged.  I scoffed.  I sold hundreds of copies to people at the game store that I worked at.  I scoffed more.  I have always considered it a stupid game.  If you want to live a life, “gasp”, try living your own.  Why do I need to play a game where instead of doing something out of the ordinary (like winning the super bowl or conquering the world), I just live another ordinary life?  I can do that without spending 50 bucks a pop for the latest version.  Then my significant other (code-named “wife”), found a little game called Cafe’ World on Facebook.

The object of Cafe’ World is to … hold on to your socks… run a cafe’.  WOW!!!  With this little game I can now go to work all day managing a store and then come home and .. manage another … store.  I scoffed.  Then I paid a little attention to the game.  Soon I started offering hints, suggestions, and occasionally baby-sitting her cafe’ for her.  I told myself that I was just helping “wife” with HER game.  I could quit any time I wanted.

Then I began to end up in front of the keyboard more and more often, checking on “wife’s” cafe’ and checking to make sure that all was well.  I went so far as to join Facebook …  just so that she could have more neighbors and expand her cafe’.  “I’m just playing casually and helping ‘wife'”.  After all, this was just a sims knock off.  No way was I going to play one of those!  Then came the day that I almost made us late for an appointment and I had to look myself in the mirror and admit, “I was more caught up in the blasted thing than “wife” was.”  I was a cafe’ world junkie.

I tried washing my hands.  The dirt wouldn’t come off.  I had to take my puter (ol’ compy) in for some work and I thought that might help me break its strangulous hold on me.  I got ol’ compy back and “BAM!” I was right back to the blasted keyboard clacking into the night and making my blasted fingers bleed from frantically clicking to serve my next helping of jammin’ jellies!  OH! Sims players, I understand your plight now.  Can you forgive me for all of my years of scoffing?  Can you pardon my condescending attitude?  Can you overlook my feelings of smug superiority?  And more importantly, can one of you please help me figure out how to stop?  I think I’m getting butt sores from sitting here so long.

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