Whats up, Wii?

I was discussing the state of the Wii console selection the other day, and while I do have to commend Nintendo for their innovation, their emphasis on game play and story over graphics, and their commitment to multiplayer and family friendly titles, I do have to ask, “WHERE ARE MY GREAT SHOOTING GAMES THAT I WAS PROMISED?”

The real innovation with the Wii is the level of player interaction.  Finally, I get to control, by my own hand, where I shoot, how hard I swing, etc. … or at least I would if Nintendo would release more shooting games.  The Wii-mote interface is the perfect fit for the shooter.  Move with the nunchuck, shoot with the Wii-mote.  The level of accuracy is determined by how steady MY hand is, by how good MY hand-eye coordination is, by how focused MY movements are.  This is the closest we’ve ever come to a real life shooting environment without either getting 25 to life or having to actually join the military.

There are some shooters for the Wii, but not nearly enough.  So, one also has to question not just Nintendo, but also whats up with the game developers?  C’mon guys, this is the experience that we’ve been begging for.  Stop making the Wii release for games like “Call of Duty” a 1 year later afterthought.  And don’t complain about graphics.  The Gamecube was the most powerful graphic beast last time, but no one programmed for it.  The Wii is not as powerful as the 360 or the PS3, but it is still plenty powerful if you will utilize it.  Look at what Polyphony Digital/Sony was able to coax out of the PS2 for Gran Turismo 4 on the PS2!

Even if you want to relegate the Wii to second class status, there are still plenty of great ideas.  Anyone remember “Bank Panic” from back in the day?  Anyone ever hear of a game called “Sniper Elite”?  Heck, for that matter, anyone ever hear of that game about the invaders that I think came from space?  Wouldn’t it have been great to be able to shoot diagonally,and play it from a first person perspective?

I ask, inquire, appeal, beg, entreat, invite, solicit, and if need be implore, “Nintendo, Game Developers en masse, Please, please, please make more shooters for the Wii!”  I will thank you.  Other gamers will thank you.  YOUR BANK ACCOUNT will thank you!

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